Yes you can. By default, we block “sensitive categories” including: Black Magic, Cosmetic Procedures & Body Modification, Dating, Drugs & Supplements, Gambling & Betting (18+), Get Rich Quick, References to Sex & Sexuality, Religion, Sexual & Reproductive Health, Weight Loss, and any shaking or blinking “distracting” ads.
In addition to these categories, we will block any category, advertiser, or URL that you want. If you already have an existing list of your blocked advertisers, we will use that to set up your account. We set extremely strict filters and are vigilant in trying to keep any miscategorized ads from appearing on your site. The ad-industry is imperfect and there are bound to be an occasional issue, but our support staff are swift to act on any inappropriate advertising across our network.
We have no set requirements besides the Propel Program**. Every publisher has different goals for monetizing their site and every publisher has varying thresholds for how many ads they want on their site. There are pro’s and cons of every setup, and our onboarding team will help you understand those tradeoffs as we build your custom ad-setup.
**The Propel Program does require a minimum of 6 ads.
Yes you do**. We make suggestions based on what we’ve seen perform well on other sites, but you have final control of your site. At the end of the day, you own your site. During the onboarding process, you’ll have a phone call or email questionnaire asking what your goals are for monetizing your site. We’ll set up your site based on your goals.
**The Propel Program does require a minimum of 6 ad
We have no restrictions on your paid posting from marketing groups or advertisers. We only manage your display advertising. So if brands want to buy advertising on just your site, we will negotiate on your behalf and put them in your waterfall based on their CPM.
There is typically a 1-2 week acclimation period for buyers to test out your ad-inventory, and then it’s off to the races. Our average publisher makes anywhere from 30%-400% more when they switch both their desktop and mobile ads to Monumetric.