Meet Kb in Bloom: Serving BIPOC Women With Empowering, Tailored Content.

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Meet Kb in Bloom: Serving BIPOC Women With Empowering, Tailored Content.

Picture of Kabrena Williams
Picture of Kevin Hill

Kevin Hill

Kb in Bloom is a one-of-a-kind space for anyone trying to catch a breath from hustle culture. 

Kabrena Williams is a University of Florida post-graduate with a master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis. Her areas of expertise have been autism, brain injury gerontology, and mental health for over 12 years. 

While she shares her experiences in corporate America, her content is tailored for anyone to embrace themselves and prioritize self-care. Specifically, she creates content for BIPOC women that helps them thrive and prioritize their well-being.

What stood out to us about Kb when we first met her was, as Spencer Myers (Monumetric) put it, 

I was caught off guard by her drive and vision and knew she would be a perfect fit for Monumetric’s culture.” 

We just had to learn more, so we asked her a few questions

Monumetric: Give us a quick bio and tell us about your site niche.

Kabrena (Kb): I’m the visionary leader behind Kb in Bloom, an inspiring online space promoting self-care among BIPOC women uncovering powerful stories and resources with a niche focused on self-care, wellness, and health. This unique platform celebrates a holistic approach toward personal growth with no boundaries.

M: What got you started on your blogging journey?

Kb: After intense burnout as a clinician, I decided to carve out space for self-care. Knowing that few resources and platforms focused on BIPOC women specifically, I felt it motivated me to start Kb in Bloom and develop content with these women at heart first.

Women and BIPOC often get underserved by traditional wellness and personal growth sites. So I strove to ensure we were given space – providing the tools needed for healing, understanding, and achieving our dreams. 

What started as an act of solace has grown into something much more meaningful– -a life decision turned media brand dedicated fully towards empowerment. Blogging has been an incredible journey of discovery and growth– – something every woman deserves! 

M: How did you find success in the publisher space?

Kb: Exciting strides are being made at Kb in Bloom, with an increasing number of individuals subscribing to our email list weekly. Our monthly visits and website sessions are also on the rise. It’s also heartening to hear that our readers have taken it further by following us on social media. Finally, we’ve noticed regular visitors coming back again and again for all the great new content! We can’t wait to see what growth developments will manifest within six months – this journey has already been incredible!

M: What is your favorite part of blogging?

Spending the day focusing on keyword research isn’t always the most exciting way to spend an afternoon, but as Editor-in-Chief, I’ve made it my masterful art. Taking a proactive approach and planning content 3-4 months ahead of time – with SEO in mind – I get excited about what’s possible for our blog! Working with talented writers who share a love for content that have both depth and SEO expertise is also something extraordinary. It makes me smile when we see all this hard work pay off.

M: What is your favorite part of creating content?

Kb: From crafting to hitting publish, creating content can be a gratifying experience. Once it’s live, though, there’s nothing quite like checking out how readers respond. It may sound strange, but I enjoy that our work is helpful and provides real value. If anyone reading needs help getting what they need, the internet awaits them with answers or solutions. As writers, we strive to create something valuable and engaging.

It’s a privilege to play even a small role in Kabrena’s business as she inspires thousands and makes lasting impacts in BIPOC women’s lives through content about self-care, lifestyle, and movement. 

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